
file0002000666636Translation does not amount to betrayal. Translating means transposing, adapting, judging, evaluating, weighing up, reconsidering, rereading, rounding up, but also savouring, understanding, reflecting, researching, and all of that in at least two languages…

Translation is the passion and expertise that we readily draw from to put your message across.

No automated translation here, just a human being who uses and learns to use informational tools in order to make the work at hand more consistent and get it done faster, without ever sacrificing quality.

Take a tour of our site to know which tools we use, who trust us for they translation jobs, what are our specialities and to have a quick look of the publications and videos we have worked for.

And if you don’t find all the information you are looking for, do not hesitate to send us a message. We’ll be happy to reply.

Sincerely yours,

Pierre Souchar
La compagnie des mots