The NGO Medical Aid International entrusted us with the translation into French of their online course on biomedical engineering. More than 400 minutes of technical terms designed to train hospital technicians in French-speaking Africa in the repair of medical devices.
Netflix entrusted us with the voice-over translation into French of its Season 4 documentary series “Inside the Wolrd’s Toughest Prisons”. The series plunges a journalist into the world’s most dangerous prisons. Life stories and a portrait of our society from the hidden side of the prisons. Sensitive souls, please refrain…
Videos for the Copper Howitt Museum LearningLab (New York) belonging to the Smisthsonian Institution (Washington, DC, USA).
Arri videos (camera manufacturer)
Translation into French (don’t forget to enable the French subtitles)
Translation into French (don’t forget to enable the French subtitles)
Alexa Mini LF Tech Talk : Large-format camera system
Don’t forget to activate the French subtitles
Alexa Mini LF Tech Talk : Workflow
Don’t forget to activate the French subtitles
Alexa Mini LF Tech Talk : ECS Accessories
Don’t forget to activate the French subtitles
Alexa Mini LF Tech Talk : features & Viewfinder
Don’t forget to activate the French subtitles
Alexa Mini LF Tech Talk : Ready to shoot
Don’t forget to activate the French subtitles
Some videos we subtitled for the British Council on the artist David Shrigley:
Extrait of Growing into music by Lucie Duran on how children learn music around the world:
Some of the publications we have worked for:

Dariusz Wolski, ASC à propos de The Martian, de Ridley Scott
February 2015
Translation from English into French

Film and Digital Times
February 2014, number 58-F
Special edition for the Micro Salon AFC 2014
Translation English into French

Film and Digital Times
February 2013, number 52-F
Special edition for the Micro Salon AFC 2013
Translation from English into French

Film and Digital Times
Special edition Sony F5-F55
Translation English into French

Film and Digital Times
February 2012, number 46-F
Special edition for the Micro Salon AFC 2012

Film and Digital Times
February 2011, number 39
Special edition for the Micro Salon AFC 2011

Valie Export
Maison Européenne de la photographie
Exhibition catalogue, Éditions de l’Oeil, 2004
Translation from English and French into Spanish

J. Arturo Martín et Javier Sicilia
Les Carnets de la Création, Editions de l’Oeil, 2004
Translation from Spanish into French